Highest-paid jobs in Greece

In a nutshell, Greece is an amalgamation of history and dazing landscapes combined with great cultural thrill. Accurately, it is also a great place to get various job packages depending on one’s qualifications in various fields. In the last couple of years, Greece has faced quite a number of economic challenges; however, some sectors have some fairly competitive salaries given the various line of professions. The paper tries to research the highest-paid professions in Greece, encompassing industries related to health care, technology, finance, and law, among others.

  1. Medical Experts

Among the best-paid professionals in Greece include doctors, surgeons, and specialists. The health sector is pretty lucrative, mainly owing to the fact that some specialists must work in private hospitals and clinics who are also into cardiology, neurology, and orthopedics.
Surgeons and Specialists: They are usually among the best-paid professionals within the medical circles due to the importance and sensitivity of their practice. On average, a Greek surgeon will fetch annual returns of between €60,000 and €120,000, depending on years of experience and which institution they would be affiliated with.

General Practitioners: The GPs are also well paid, and to those who own private practices, the remunerations are better. They stand a chance to make annual incomes of between €40,000 and €80,000.

Education/Qualification/Skills: Greek medical profession is one of the most challenging and demanding in terms of education and training. At the least this means a degree in medicine, specialization plus a few years of practical experience. There is an increasing demand for doctors who can work well with people and under pressure.

Over the last years, the technology and IT fields have been on the rise in Greece, especially in the capital of Athens and Thessaloniki. With the development of new startups and further development of other already operating ones, there was a need to also establish offices in the Hellenic Republic by multinational technology companies. Because of this, a growing demand for experts in such fields as IT, software developers, data scientists, and cybersecurity has been created.
Software Engineer: They are among the most well-paid jobs in the technical business. The demand for software engineers is huge, especially those who know how to talk in programming languages like Python, Java, and C++. Starting wages of an experienced software engineer range from €35,000 to €80,000 annually.

Data Scientists: Since data is becoming crucial for business, a data scientist will get a good salary that ranges from 40,000-90,000 Euros yearly, basing on his experience and complexity of work.

Cybersecurity Experts: The experts in this area will be very high in demand, as with the given scale of prime importance that data breaches and online security will have on social media sites. The pay for them will be really lucrative, ranging between 45,000 to 85,000 Euros per year, depending on areas of specialization and experiences.

Requirements: Most of the high-income jobs within the sphere of technology require higher education, especially in the field of computer science and engineering or related fields. Secondly, as the individual is building his or her corporate ladder, certifications in one specific language of programming or cybersecurity are often necessitated.

  1. Finance and Banking

In fact, the Greek financial sector has several well-paying jobs, especially for the senior workers who work in the top banks, investment companies, and multi-national companies. Among the best paying are the financial analysts, investment bankers, and chief finance officers.
Investment Bankers: One of the best-paid jobs in Greece, whose annual salary ranges from € 60.000 to € 150,000 per year. The salaries of major investment bankers are even higher, especially those working in big international banks.

Financial Analysts: These are supposed to be the people who help a firm or organization make prudent investment decisions. Returns for such stand between €40,000 and €70,000 annually. Individuals working in international firms, or those holding senior positions in their firms, might earn more.

Chief Financial Officer: In this respect, the head of the financial operations and strategy of an organization lands among the top ten most highly paid professions in Greece, ranging between €80,000 and €200,000 annually depending on the size of the company and how healthy its finances are.

Requirements/Qualifications: Traditionally, these professions required strong academic backgrounds in finance, accounting, or economics. Most professionals pursue even higher learning like MBAs besides professional certifications like Chartered Financial Analyst to enhance salaries further.

  1. Lawyers and Legal Professionals

In Greece, the lawyers, particularly corporate lawyers, international lawyers, and intellectual property lawyers, were among the best-paid professions. Most high-profile law firms and multinational corporations seek the services of an experienced legal professional in handling complex cases and contracts.
Corporate Lawyers. Corporate lawyers who consult on businesses in regard to mergers, acquisitions, and regulatory compliance could be paid between € 50,000-€ 120,000. The top make more.

Also, lawyers having litigation practices, with courts as the main place of conducting their business, get good wages in this country: from €40,000 to €90,000 annually, depending on the complexity of the cases and the size of the firm they deal with.

How to become one: Lawyers in Greece must obtain a law degree, pass the bar examination and receive some legal training. Your field of specialisation will be another determinant in ensuring higher remuneration.

  1. Engineering Professionals

For instance, in Greece, it is one of the professions with the highest income, and more specifically, civil, mechanical, and electrical engineers, as the most demanded sectors are construction, and energy and manufacturing industries. With an increasing stress on the development of infrastructure and renewable energy, they will be sought after for sure.
Civil Engineers: It may also provide the civil engineers in charge of big building projects such as bridges, roads, and buildings with around €35 000 to €80 000 every year. Of course, this is when one operates internationally or for major firms.

Mechanical and Electrical Engineers: Such finds of oil and gas resources are calling for more mechanical and electrical engineers to lend a hand in the construction of energy plants, manufacturing facilities, and huge infrastructure projects. The salaries here range from €40 000 to €90 000 depending on the scope of work.

Skills and Qualifications: The typical bachelor’s degree in most engineering fields, sometimes accompanied by certification. Problem-solving with the aid of teamwork.

  1. Pharmacists

The best salaries within the pharmacists-owner and -managers sector occur in Greece. Pharmacists form the core part of health service providers. They dispense drugs and give advice on treatment.
Pharmacy Owners: These are those pharmacists who own their own pharmacy businesses and tend to make much revenue, ranging from €40,000 to €100,000 each year, considering the location and size of the pharmacy.

Hospital Pharmacists: Pharmacists working in hospitals or any other health care settings tend to make average yearly revenues ranging from €30,000 to around €60,000.

Competencies/Qualifications: To practice as a pharmacist in Greece, one needs first to attain a degree in pharmacy, pass the licensing examination, and then acquire work experience.


From health care to technology, finance, law, and engineering, Greece has a wide array of fields that are lucrative. The most promising careers demand education paired with special expertise and more often than not, years of experience. Despite the adverse economic condition, job markets in Greece give ample opportunity to professionals qualified in their fields and willing to contribute to the emeritus of the country’s emerging sectors. You will fare well in these high-pay rolls if you set out to pursue the right kind of education and certifications from accredited institutions in your chosen field.

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